MSVU Art Gallery

MSVU Art Gallery

Opened in 1971, MSVU Art Gallery is dedicated to contemporary art with an emphasis on women as cultural subjects and producers. Exhibitions explore various forms and highlight the achievements of artists in all career phases. MSVU Art Gallery promotes critical access to its exhibitions through publications, lectures, and educational programs, recognizing socially engaged practices as models of aesthetic distinction and political imagination. Admission is always free.
EXHIBITIONS: EXHIBIT # 1, Susan Low-Beer: Specimen, February 17 - May 4, 2024., Opening Reception: Saturday March 9 - 1-3pm, Artist Talk: Friday March 8, 11 AM. EXHIBIT # 2, Sarah Maloney’s Pleasure Ground: A Feminist Take on the Natural World, March 9 - June 1, 2024. Opening Reception: Saturday March 9 - 1-3pm.
Hours / Availability
    Tues-Sat: 11am-3pm, Thurs until 5pm, Sun- Mon: Closed
  • 166 Bedford Highway Halifax NS
  • (902) 457-6160
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