Lynn Rotin

OPEN STUDIO and GARDEN TOUR: SATURDAY JULY 13 AND SUNDAY JULY 14, 2024 from 10 am to 4 pm. Lynn's mixed media abstracts are easily identifiable by their mark-making and beautiful, rich palette. Using oil and acrylic she applies many layers that not only create interest but allow the viewer to discover something new with every viewing. Visit Lynn in her studio at 726 West Pennant Road, West Pennant. Five minutes from Crystal Crescent Beach, open by chance or appointment.
Painting took me by surprise. I was a mature student at NSCADU; I thought I was going to be a sculptor, but I haven’t looked back since picking up a brush. However, art has been a constant throughout my life: careers in photography, film-making, television, and graphic design came first. Both the NS Dept. of Tourism, Heritage and Culture, and the Canada Council have awarded me grants. Several paintings are in the collection of the NS Art Bank.


Hours / Availability
    Open by chance or appointment
  • 726 West Pennant Road. West Pennant, Five minutes from Crystal Crescent Beach NS
  • 902-346-2018
  • .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)