Michele Edgerton

Michele Edgerton, Studio Tour Artist

Acrylic paintings of Nova Scotia, animals, family and friends.
Michele Edgerton is a British-Canadian visual artist. Her work commonly features the people and places she holds dear; serene coastline, beloved pets, and people in motion. They are all in abundant supply on Nova Scotia's south shore, where she lives and works overlooking the expansive Saint Margaret's Bay. When not painting, Michele can be found hiking the Rum Runner's trail or holding a strong cup of tea.


Hours / Availability
    Studio Tour July 14,15,16; 10 – 5. Year-round enquiries welcome.
Location | Tour # img
  • 67 Amelinda Crescent, Boutlier's Point, NS
  • 902-401-9633
  • .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
  • https://micheleedgerton.com