
Brian Smith

Brian’s woven wood charcuterie boards are versatile, durable, and incredibly beautiful. His distinctive canoe & kayak paddles are crafted by hand from Canadian soft and hard woods and available in a variety of lengths and designs.
Brian has been woodworking and building paddles for over 50 years. He has repaired and refurbished cedar strip canoes, canvas canoes, all-wood boats, and sailing dinghies. His high-quality paddles are popular with canoeing enthusiasts and collectors alike. Recently, Brian has been using hardwoods like oak, maple, walnut, bloodwood, yellow heartwood, padauk and wenge to create a variety of functional pieces. They are just beautiful!


Hours / Availability
    By appointment
  • 42 Toni Avenue, Boutlier's Point, NS
  • 902-527-8195
  • .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
  • http://www.smithpaddleandcanoe.com